Bigg Boss 18 20th November 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on Day 45 8 AMEveryoen wakes up and sings the anthem.9 AMShurtika says the food is rotting here. Shilpa says to tell the time God. Rajat says to Sara we’re going to make her cry today. Avinash says to Rajjat that the rotting food is there. Karan asks Yamini did you do your duty? She says yes I spoke to time, God. Karan asks do you cry easily? She says I make people cry too. Rajat says Karan adn chaahat are crying so much after nominations. Vivian says I feel like one of them will go. Rajat says I hope so.Rajat says to Yaminni to help Karan with dinner. She says Karan just said. Aditi asks Digvijay Is your hair always this bouncy? Eisha says I like your hair, very nice. He smiles. Yamini says I told Karan time God didn’t ask me to clean. Vivian says ask him who are you?9:45 AMShilpa says to Vivian tell me when you have time. Tell me what’s in your heart. He says I have nothing in your heart. Karan says I only asked Yamini what is her duty. She said just talking to time God. Yamini says don’t shout. He says I am not shouting. She says you are now going loud of me. He says I asked you about your duty you said tackling to time god only. She says I was joking. Shout where it’s needed. I will talk to time God about my duty. Vivian says I will do the chopping. Vivian says wow another easy task. Shilpa says people said he eats and talks only. He is now asking, what’s wrong? Shhurtika says Vivian doesn’t work at all. Yamini says people who fight for no reason won’t win.Aditi says he’s (Karan) doing such deep pushups. Someone sits on him. Eden says your intrusive thoughts are winning. Go tell Karan. He’d never say no. She asks Karan. He says sit. She sits on his back.10:30 AMRajat says if someone has personal plates no one can know whose plates they are. Same for the washroom not flushed. No one can check. We said personal things would be spiked yourself. Karan says you can ask people. Rajat says who would notice? Karan says everyone can see who is not working. It’s very open. Eisha says what is his point. Shurtika says time God is scared to tell Vivian he should work. Shilpa says Vivian made his duty himself and time God said it’s fine. Vivian says I have two duties. Rajat says, Shilpa has no point. Shilpa says I will work. He says do you work? She says I make breakfast. Shilpa says your hypocrisy is being seen. You are scared of Vivian. Avinash says to Vivian Rajat can’t handle it.Karan asks who will cook. Rajat says wait. He says that won’t work. Digvijay says the person who has ot do dishes will have to see who is leaving their things. If not they will have to do dishes. Vivian says the flip side is people will leave dishes in corners. Karan says you’re talking about yourself. No one does that. You said when you were time God that time God isn’t allowed to work. Vivian says how many times will you say it? Karan says Rjaat is working, and Arfeen is working. Karan says everyone knows who is not working. Vivian says your dirty dishes. Karan says I can clean you out as well give me a chance. I will make you shine. Don’t mess with me. Shurtika says to give work to the person who didn’t do anything all his week. Eisha says I will do it.11 AMDoes Vivian say I won’t do chopping? He says to do the washrooms. Avinash says no one is fighting with me. I feel weird. Bagga laughs. Vivian says to Digvijay I won’t do chopping. He says you won’t decide.11:30 AMAvinash says to Karna you had a good group, Shurtika, Chum, and Shilpa but you started going with Rajat. I was clear from the start. Rajat was never good. So the whole bond broke. He knows he’s in bad books on that side so he wants to be on good sides here. I will never support him. The other two might give him a chance. Karan says correct, he gives him a high five. Avinash says I know Vivian isn’t working, I know he won’t do chopping but I am not time god. Karan says you’re right, you’re a contestant only now. Avinash says how many people stood up for me? Why should I?Digvijay tells to Yamini stop being Vivian’s assistant. She says if you support someone you become an assistant. Eden says you are acting like an assistant. Yamini and Eden fight. Yamini says who are you? Eden says your mom. Karan laughs. Avinash says to Karan your bond is also breaking. He says I only make it once. I will not make it until you touch my feet. Eden and Yamini continue to fight.Vivian sits with Yamini. She says I was fighting for you and you walked out. He says two girls were fighting. What would I say? She says she’d do this with me every time. Vivian says you know how to handle her. She says you also become diplomatic. I won’t be loyal if you’re not loyal to me. You didn’t give me power yesterday either. She was fighting with me and you walked out.Eden says this show is about bonds. Aditi says she made it in 2days. Kashish says we didn’t make it in such a long but she did. Chaahat says yes. Vivian says to Yamini answering it back. He says I was supporting you on TV too. He says but you’re a contestant now. You should fight for yourself. No one would stand for you if you didn’t stand for yourself. Yamini cries. She says Eden has no manners.12:30 PMShilpa says to Vivian do you wanna talk? He says Upma is great. She says your actions are. He says it’s great. She says forget it. She says you have no feeling. She leaves. Shilpa says I am not dumb. You know what am I talking about. You are friends with people who mock me. You can’t stand up adn tell him to shut up. Does he say just that? She says it might be small for you but it’s big for you. She says you were right we shouldn’t have expectations in this show. He says let’s sit there and talk. She says I dont wanna hear anything. Your explanations explain. You can’t justify. It’s about me. I am telling you what I felt. He says okay then I’d listen. She says I am not important to you. I am questioning myself. He says so you decided right? He says okay then I’ll go.Eden says to Yamini I am sorry. We have the authority to speak in the house. Yamini says so you will everyone’s mom? She says dont fight with me when you’re not even involved.3:30 PMShilpa comes to Vivian adn tteases him. She says if you make a cake for me tomorrow. Make aalo tikki and not cake. For me only. BB asks Rajat how is it going. He says not that great. BB says I can release you. Your tome ends as time, God.Everyone comes to the living area. BB says old girls I gave new girls a chance to win power. Are you mad at me Eisha? She says yes. He asks Chum. She says not really. BB says I will make you angrier now. Today only guys will get a chance to spend time with God. The girls say this ain’t fair. BB says we have a small jail in the house now. You will get a chance to take revenge on the guys. BB says all guys will be tied with one hand in the jail in different corners. As long as they are in jail they are a contender for jail. The girls will go and find a target. They will torture or try to convince a guy to give him the space in jail. Only 2 girls can torture/convince a guy. The girls will be decided by the new girls. Rajat will not take part in this task.4 PMThe task starts. Alice says to Avinash I can’t do so much in this. Chaahat and Digvijay pla. Rajat hides the food. Yamini ties the good. She says Avinash you’re under arrest.The task starts. Chum says I will convince Vivian. He’s already been a Time god. Sara says, Karan or Bagga. He’s only interested in eating. Chum and Sara go first. Chum convinces Vivian. He says promise me you won’t be biased. She says I will not be. Sara gives Karan mustard paste. Alice throws soap and water on Karan. Shilpa comes ot Vivian. She says Karan is being tortured. Vivian says it’s fun. He was happy when I was tortured yesterday. He didn’t let me sit in front. Alice throws spices at Karan. Kashish comes with a liquid as well. Eden says dont injure someone. Kashish throws spices on Digbvijay. She applies on Avinash as well. Chaahat brings Vivian’s things and says I will break your french press. Vivian says it’s my personal. Chaahat says quit. He says I will break all her things. She says I will throw it. Kashish applies toothpaste on Avinash. Chaahat says I will throw it in the pool. Eden says dont cross limits or injure someone.Chaahat says I will throw all the coffee in the pool. Vivian says I will choose myself over grocery now. Kashish tortures Avinash. She does his wax. Eisha says dont do this. Are you crazy? She says this is crazy. They throw water on him. Eisha throws an ice pack on Karan. Kashish does Avinash’s wax. He screams. Saran throws cold water on them. Kashish throws a ketchip on Avnash’s shoes. Chahat throws water on Avinash.Chum throws ketchip on Avinash. Eisha says this ain’t right. He’s too hurt. First, she did wax and now they throw spices on it. Eisha showers Avinash. She says he’s getting hurt. Kashish applies spice paste on Bagga. Eisha writes on Digivijay’s face. Shilpa says to Vivan do you not want me to be time God? he says no.6 PMChaahat tries to convince Karan. Eisha tries to convince Vivian. Sara makes Karan wear a pink shirt. Eisha says to Avinash you’re too tortured. Leave it for yourself not me. You can’t stand here more. He says no. Karan says now I can be godess. SAra makes him wear a dupatta. Everyoe hoots. Karan dances. Eisha asks Vivian if you want you can give it to Alice. You both are stronger. He says Alice wont even vote. Eisha asks what to do? He says so yo both stand steadfast. Vivian says yeah.6:15 PMAvinash tries to say something to Vivian. Sara gives Vivian a scarf. Kashish puts ketcup on Bagga.Update in ProgressUpdate Credit to: Atiba
Bigg Boss 18 20th November 2024 Written Episode Update –