Bigg Boss 18 22nd November 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on Digvijay says let’s talk about duties. Avinash and Vivian will do lunch dishes. Avinash says no. Vivian says no. He asks why. Avinash says rewinding the time. You didn’t listen to the time of God when you came. You said I won’t. Were you wrong? he says no. Avinash says I won’t. Vivian says you said I won’t work till you’re time God. I will speak the same words I wont work till you’re time God. Shuriken says your actions speak how you are. He says I’d do what I want. Digvijay says don’t leave your plates and cups everywhere. He says Bagga ji clean your cups. He says I will remain nonactive. Digvijay says you with work too. He says yes. BB asks Digvijay done? He says 10 minutes. BB asks if is it fun? he says yes. 3 people are saying they won’t work so when I punish them for it it’d be fun. BB says Digvijay finally found enemies. Bagga says found points as well. Does BB say are the bad subjects? He says I teach self-belief. BB asks kashish does he believes he’s time God. She says yes he was confident about it but he’s shaky after seeing things here. BB says supporting a true friend Kashish. She says we’re not friends. He says I don’t set narratives. She says Karan sets it. BB says Karan see she’s cornering you. She says there’s no narrative here. BB says Digvijjay finally Kashish is also against you. He says I don’t know. BB asks Karan many times you didn’t become time god? he says 4 times. BB says this happens every time. 4 times people didn’t do their duties. Vivian and Rajat were unfair. At least give Digvijay ca chance to become unfair. He says Digvijay this was a short course for you.Digvijay asks who will do the cups and plates. Chaahat says will. Digvijay says Eisha will do the inside of the washroom. She says no I won’t. He asks Karan, and Karan says I would make dinner. He asks will you do inside the washroom? He says yes to Eisha. Alice says he’s having dinner with me. Eisha says okay I will do it.12:15 AMDigvijay says Bagga is so negative. Shurtika says yes he was negative. Bagga says to Rajat your friend called me inactive. He says you can answer however you want. Shurtika says to Karan he was talking about BAgga. Karan says let him do his work. Karan says he’s the dirtiest fellow. Shurtika says to tell him. Karan says you act like a mom all the time. This guy dirties up and sleeps and one girl keeps calling him Baggu. You can handle his work too then.Rajat says to Bagga I don’t need any favor from you. Shurtika says it’s very simple. Karan says don’t come and tell me now how I talk to BAgga. Shurtika says to talk to him directly.2 AMEisha says to Avinash I notice you and Vivian go into corners and talk about the game. He doesn’t talk to me about the game at all. Avinash sas I don’t see you there. She says you don’t talk about me about it. He says every other person has to play a part. She says I share everything with you so am I stupid? He says I also share different things with you and different with Vivian. Vivian has people everywhere. Alice and I stay in this group only. I need some angle at least. You also have many people around. Should I think about myself too? She says when did I say you shouldn’t. He says you’re taunting that I sit with him. She says you can say you do wanna share some things. He says why do I need to tell you what I said there? She says okay. He says you didn’t give me that power. She says you can ask me what I spoke to Digvijay about. He says I would ask why even have a conversation with him.? Will you stop it? No. She says you’re saying I should stop talking to people? She says this is why I can’t ask you anything. He says I will answer if I want to. What I can assure you is the vision is to take all 4 of us up together. She asks do you trust me? He says yes. Avinash hugs Eisha. She cries.Day 48 8 AMKaran eats breakfast before everyone wakes up. Everyoen wakes up and sings the anthem.Yamini says time God please give less duties. Please don’t nominate me. He says stop it. He laughs. Avinash says she’s such a drama.8:45 AMDigvijay asks Eisha you didn’t clean the dining? she says duties start the next day. Digvijay says things don’t have to stay the way they are. She says so would I do it 4 times? He says yes. She says I am ready to work but not that much. I am not that nice. Karan asks Aditi is your duty for a table? She says I had to do it at night. She says I forgot the new time God had to change. Karan says he’s doing it himself.9 AMDoes Vivian ask Karan to put your food leftovers in the dustbin? Karan asks did you clean? He says no. Karan says then how do you know? He says you cleaned last night. You’d know if you worked. Vivian says so you left it to poke me?Digvijay aligns the food. Rajat does chopping. Chum isn’t well. Karan asks do you need medicine? She says no. He says I will come and check again in a bit. Digvijay tells Bagga, Avinash adn Vivian’s food isn’t cooked. You can cook yourself. Avinash says it’s not cooked for us. He says yes. Bagga tells Vivian. He says so he won’t give us food? Avinash says he’s saying make it yourself. I kept out suji for you. Avinash says we’d make what we want. Avinash says if you don’t wanna do duty why should it be cooked for you? Avinash says food would be wasted more if cooked twice. Digvijay says I know how to handle you.10 AMSara asks Vivian did you leave the oil here? It spilled. He says no stress. Digvijay says you can’t take more oil now. Does Vivian say today’s episode is upma? Digvijay says no it is that 3 useless people won’t have cooked food. He takes upma packet from Vivian. Vivian says I would take another. Digvijay takes it. Aditi says they’re doing something in the kitchen. Karan goes there. Aditi says Vivian gets loud. Vivian takes the upma and says it’s so good. Karan says he worked for the first time so Vivian wants everyone to sing about it. Vivian says go and work out. Avinash says it’s very good. Avinash says we would eat. Karna says how much are you paying your assistant? Vivian asks did you come here for free? Karan says you better not talk about money. Avinash says his only point is us.Rajat says to Aditi he needs points. He didn’t even come to talk to me. Eisha says Karan has no point. Rajat says to Karan as long as it sticks to words only I don’t mind. Karan says you can fight with your hands too. Vivian says the coach will learn today. Is it fun? Chaahat says they are bullying him. Vivian comes out. Does Karan say you left your baby alone inside? He’d cry. Everyoen laughs. Eisha says where did corner boy go. Digvijay says that’s rude. She says I tell everything on his face. You’re also his person. He says I am no one’s person. She says I can see. I liked you but you’re his boy. He says I am only my dad’s boy. She says I won’t go to father. He says I am talking about my dad. She says I don’t need to hear that from you. He says if I go? She says I’d break you if not here, then outside. Rajat says she’s talking my words.10:30 AMKaran asks Digvijay if is it sorted there. He says yes. Karan says very good job bro. Very nice. He says did you see who cooked for them? Karan says fourth person Alice. Rajat says she was coking because you can’t stop a girl. Digvijay says she is their servant. Karn says if they cross more, we know where the coffee cigarette is. Vivian says they don’t need to threaten. Eisha says they talk about their parents all the time.10:45 AMShilpa says to take out the chickpeas they’d cook then. He says okay. Shurtika says to Digvijay to make people work. Don’t let people influence you. Bagga was right. He said you called him inactive. Dgivijay says don’t deny him.11 AMVivian comes in. Digvijay says he keeps coming after me. Avinash says he’d be checking the inventory. They go in the kitchen. Avinash says it smells nice. Did something burn? Digvijay says yes you’re burning because you couldn’t be a time God in 3 weeks. Avinash says you’re time God intern now. Karan comes in. Avinash says you left the baby inside. Karan says where is your dad? Papa is here. He says you’d start crying now. Avinash says come in your baby is crying here.11:30 AMDigvijay says Alice I thought you were unwanted in this group but now I know you’re wanted. They need you as a cook. She says I am glad your opinion changed. Avinash says we’d teach time God intern. Karan says he’s so jealous. Alice also started talking. Shurtika says we also have to use the kitchen. Avinash says to Karan you can’t be wanted. Karan says you can keep copying Abhishek. Give your best performance here. Avinash sys is your trial working? EIsha says at least we are not in corners. Eisha says there’s a show in which there are no words you’d be cast there. He says at least that would work there. I act better. Avinash says he’s the furniture on the set. Karan says he cries at the word sala. Avinash says this is your best invoice. Karan says do you have a better point?. I need to go work out. Vivian says Digvijay can’t make anything about YouTube. Shilpa says it doesn’t sound nice. Shurtika says this is too much. Eisha says to Shurtika what about Karna? She says to talk to Karan about it. Shilpa says it doesn’t sound nice to you Vivian. He says did you stop him when he was stopping my food?12 PMBagga said to Karan I wanted to work but he called me inactive then I said I won’t work. Karan says it should be open like we are. Karan says we’d be open opponents. He says yes. He says go fight. Shurtika says to Chum Karan’s instigates as well. He could sort it out. She says you should speak to him. Shurtika says he’s older than us. Chum says age has nothing to do with it.Shurtika says to Karan should we not put out the fire instead of fueling it? It’d benefit Digvijay. He says there has to be some difference between Karan and Shurtika right? He called me in so I’d answer. Shurtika says can I ask you? He says you can question your Baggu not me. She says I told Chum you’d say I can’t question you. She asked me to talk to you. Did I deserve this? Karan says I’d listen to Chum. Shurtika says I would get insulted this way. Chum says I will also listen to him. Shurtika says this is humiliating for me. Karan says you drew these lines, then you shouldn’t cross this either. She says you’re still igniting me.12:45 PMDigvijay says to Vivian do your dishes yourself too. He says I won’t. I will return now you did.Chum says I am getting irritated. Shurtika says I feel you Karan and Shilpa are a happy family. I am coming here for no reason. Chum says okay. She cries. She says you’re stuck because only you have a bond with me. I feel like I am pulling you from your happy family and you are suffering me. I don’t know if you like them too much. Did you see how he reacted to me? I wasn’t even wrong. Chum says for Karan he wasn’t wrong either.Shilpa says to Karan it’s important to have an even fi different opinion now. Karan says it is what is it. I can’t be forced to think things.1:30 PMBagga asks Karan will you taste it? He says yes. Vivian gives a chickpea to Karna. He says amazing. I am on your team now.Bagga says to Eden I am not saying anything to Karan for now. He is moving a lot of things. Edne says he’s in a winning position it’s him. You won’t say anything to Karan because of Digvijay. He says just wait.Yamini says time God you should sit on your throne there’s an elephant behind too. He says one in front too. She says don’t say that.3 PMRajat says to Digvijay I don’t mind that you have a good bond with Karna. But he’s a winning situation from all sides. He fuels things. He didn’t come when you had to be defended. He wasn’t loyal to anyone. Digvijay says I know how to handle who.4 PMRavi comes to the house. He asks how are you all? How are the old girls? All united. Eisha says we’re all sisterhood now. Ravi asks you’re asking for hot gutsEishaa? She says there are so many hot girls here. We should be fair. Ravi asks Digvijay who’s most insecure here. He says a lot of people. Eisha is very jealous. Ravi welcomes the new girls. He says 3 very wild cards. Avinash says new ones are less than older wild cards., Ravi says you picked their containers. Your eyes came out. He says no sir. Eisha says we all saw that. Ravi says Rajat is eating from here yes. Yamini says he isn’t even fighting now. He’s very cute. Ravi asks Yamini who is the awkward can. She says Karan.Ravi says all men come on one side. Yamini has to rate all the guys. She says, Rajat. He blushes. She says Rajat let me look at you. She says 8/10. She says Avinash is hot in the pool when he’s shirtless. 10/10. Digvijay also gets 10/10, he’s tall dark, and handsome. Bagga Ji has a crush on Punjab girls. He’s 10/10. She says Karan is 11/10. Vivian is 10/10. She says you’re also 10/10. Ravi dances. Ravi says Rajat did so much math in nominations. Shilpa says he is very disrespectful.Ravi says I came here as a relationship coach. He says I am here to ask you some genz relationship terms. Shilpa laughs. He asks Kashish what a is situationship. She says neither in or out. Take benefits but do not give it all. He asks who is on situationship here. She looks at Eisha. Eisha says look at Karan. She says no Karna is real. Shilpa says Digvijay and Kashish. They incline to each other. Kashish says a joke. Ravi says Chum and Karan have a good bond. Shurtika says I feel jealous. When someone fights with Karan, she fights with them but when someone fights with me it’s not the same. Rajat says Bagga goes there because Vivian wants him a vote. Ravi asks BAgga are you trying to get there? Karan says he wanted to save himself. He’s a politician. He says I am silent because if I speak you’d lose votes outside too. You can’t get votes here by giving tea. You have to work here. Your party is watching you from outside. Karan says I don’t wanna ruin his career outside. Ravi asks Bagga why he asked Karan to leave his bed today. He says Karan is gonna leave this house.Ravi says we will play a song. You will have to pick things that are named in the song. Eden wins against Vivian. Avinash loses to Yamini. Shilpa wins against Shurtika.Ravi says we will do a compatibility test. Avinash and Eisha, Karan and Chum, Digvijay and Kashish. The guys do planks and the wildcards sit on them. Avinash screams. Digvijay and Yamini lose. In the next round Karan and Avinash blow balloons from their bum. Avinash and Eisha win. Ravi says the tooling man of the week is Vivian. Ravi leaves.5 PMSara says to the wild cards you guys need to buckle up. She says yes. Eden says yes that’s why I speak in between. Sara says do what you want.Eisha says Karna looked at me on situationship. What a loser bro. Avinash says I know he pointed at us. She says I didn’t like that. Shurtika asks Bagga are you okay?.he says yes. Shilpa says to Chum Karan couldn’t maintain the decorum. He said he’d say what he wants. Chum says he can go all out. Eisha says he starts personal attacks. Avinash says I had never heard his name before. Who is he to end Bagga’s career? His career could start here. He doesn’t know what he said.Karan asks Shilpa are you okay? He said sorry and was irritated. She says it’s okay. You did what you wanted to do. Bagga says I will not go personal against anyone. I call him Corner, it’s about the show. He can call me tea. Karan says now Bagga will not come to me. Shilpa says he will.Avinash says he stooped so low. I’d make him cry this time. You just enjoy Bagga ji. You will see how I get personal with him now. Eisha says are we talking about his profession and personal life? Karan says Bagga is crying. Digvijay says Bagga says what Avinash teaches him. Shilpa says now he’d say sit in the orner.Episode endsUpdate Credit to: Atiba
Bigg Boss 18 22nd November 2024 Written Episode Update: Digvijay stops food for Avinash and Vivian –